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Children learn best when provided with an environment that supports them through giving them autonomy and independence to pursue their own interests and fascinations, whilst being supported by skilful adults who can provide them with challenge to support their further learning. At the heart of good Foundation Stage practice is relationships. Positive relationships between staff and both the children and their parents/carers are crucial for enabling children to feel safe and secure in order that they can flourish. We believe that children need to feel confident to take risks both physically and emotionally in order to be able to reach their full potential.

Curriculum Overview 2021/22 (Click Here)

The Foundation Stage Curriculum

The Foundation Stage begins when children enter pre-school provision. This includes Child-minders, Nursery, Pre-school and Playgroups. The last year of the Foundation Stage is often referred to as the Reception year.

The Foundation Stage curriculum consists of seven learning areas:

Prime Areas
  1. Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  2. Physical Development
  3. Communication and Language
Specific Areas
  1. Literacy
  2. Mathematics
  3. Understanding the World
  4. Expressive Arts and Design

Teaching and Learning in the Foundation Stage

At Oliver’s Battery Primary School we believe that children learn best when provided with a rich environment which has been carefully planned to support the children’s interests and current stages of development. The children are encouraged and supported to follow their own interests and fascinations through play. This time is called Discovery Time. Resources are provided to enable open ended play and natural resources are used whenever possible. We encourage the children to be independent and they are able to collect resources for themselves and use them in their own ways. The outdoors is just as important as the indoors, the children are able to move freely between the two on a daily basis during Discovery time. We also encourage children to use this space whatever the weather!

Teaching in the Foundation Stage is predominantly delivered through joining children in their play, enhancing their play with new ideas and resources. Directed teaching is also delivered to the whole class, small groups or individual children when appropriate.

The Foundation Stage at Oliver’s Battery is led by an Early Years Leader with substantial experience and expertise. Prior to working at Oliver’s Battery she worked for the Local Authority as an Early Years Advisor.